2021 Speakers
2021 Speakers
2021 Crypto For the Culture Conference Recording
Click here to access the full recording of the 2021 Crypto For the Culture Conference.
About the Conference
Brought to you by Crypto Tutors, the Crypto for the Culture Diversity Conference is taking place virtually on October 5th and is set to be the largest diversity crypto conference online!
​Topics will include Blockchain, NFT/Games, Success Stories, Crypto Security, Tokenomics, Careers in Crypto, Crypto Legislation/Governance, Trading, Technical Analysis, How to Research an Alt Coin, How to read a whitepaper, Staking examples, Defi, Web 3.0, Remittance, Crypto Funding.
The goal: Crypto For The Culture is providing representation, connective tissue, and unifying a fragmented industry where diverse leaders/investors are often overlooked. Until now! Attendees can be edutained, Learn actionable takeaways from each panel session, and apply to careers in crypto or blockchain.
2021 Conference Sponsors
Why Will Companies Sponsor Crypto For The Culture?
We are looking for companies to use as examples of how to research crypto, technical analysis, how to read a whitepaper, how to stake, NFT tokenomics, how to research an altcoin, and companies that are providing career opportunities in cryptocurrency or blockchain. Like web 3.0, customers will choose which platforms, companies, and projects to invest in. Marginalized Communities have $3.9 Trillion in buying power and they want to know which companies are inclusive of all races and genders.Is your organization a brand of choice for the culture? We have a variety of sponsorship packages. If so, please fill out the form below or email nina@cryptotutors.com if you are interested to learn about sponsorship options.


2M+ Crypto enthusiasts will be invited to join us in empowering marginalized communities with the knowledge that can be transferred into wealth. Our speakers and supports have a social media reach of over 2M. social media posts will drive the attendees of the conference. 2M x1% RSVPS from social media posts=20k and 40% attend =8,000 expected to show up live.

Event Schedule
Opening and
Crypto Rap Performance

12pm-12:15pm EST
Business of Blockchain
12:15pm-12:45pm EST
Cuy Sheffield
Rayshoun Chambers
Stefan Deleveaux
Hill Harper

Giveaways and Free Resources!
12:45pm-1pm EST

Lisa Francoeur​
Marina Spindler
Success Stories
1pm-1:30pm EST
Dawn Dickson
Lisa Francoeur
Jim Jones
Isaiah Jackson
NFTs (Smart Contracts)
1:30pm-2pm EST
Sandra H.
Micah Johnson
Cas Patterson
Iris Nevins

NFT Gaming/Play to Earn
2pm-2:30pm EST
John Wolff
Cassie Hinnen
Sira Toure
Crypto Taxes
2:30pm-3pm EST
Pat Larsen

Careers in Crypto
3pm-3:30pm EST
Sara F. Ellison
Genesis Whitlock
Bitcoin Vegan
Lisa Francoeur
Lamar Wilson
Najah Roberts
3:30pm-4pm EST
Haseeb Awan
Mark Kreitzman

How to Research an Alt Coin
4pm-4:30pm EST
Tinashe Nyatanga

How to Read a Whitepaper
4:30pm-5pm EST
Mike Petrillo
Deepak Nuli
Technical Analysis
5pm-5:30pm EST
Justin Blount

5:30pm-6pm EST
Deidra McIntyre
Michelle Tnsg
Yele Bademosi
Moeti Mcube
Harry Alford
Crypto Funding/Lending
6pm-6:30pm EST
Jeff Amico
Erikan Obotetukudo
Ashlie Meredith
Jomari Peterson

Crypto Legislation/Governance
6:30pm-7pm EST
Senator Carol Blood
Julie Stitzel
Cleve Mesidor
Christine Parker
Mayor Jayson Stewart

Web 3.0 Entertainment
7pm-7:30pm EST
Elsa Ramon
Lisa Francoeur
Christel Quek
Edwardo Jackson

Success Stories Pt.2
7:30pm-8pm EST
Ken Tanabe
Zach Burks
Tavonia Evans
Amber Baldet